Intermediate Group Puppy Training

Greater Seattle & Tacoma Area

This class is designed for older puppies between 6 and 12 months. This is a 6-week class with a deeper focus on basic obedience skills. There will be plenty of on and off-leash interaction and supervised playtime with the other puppies – this is still an important time to manage fear and aggression before it becomes a problem.

The Terrible Teens

Puppies at this age are in the phase of development known to trainers as the “terrible teens” and it is important to really get a handle on wayward behaviors. Puppy II class will do intensive basic obedience training and will really help to solidify the skills they may have learned in Puppy Kindergarten; sit, down, come, wait, walking on leash, heel, leave it, and, but with longer duration and more reliability. This is the class where we introduce and achieve a “stay” with more intensive impulse control work. We will address issues that become more prevalent at this age like jumping up on people and objects, counter-surfing (for the larger puppies) and becoming overly enthusiastic when meeting or greeting new people or folks they already know.

This is an important next step following the puppy kindergarten class. You don’t take your human kids out of school after Kindergarten. The same philosophy holds for your fur kids. Keep their education going and you will be glad that you did.

Build Longer Attention and Focus

In order to gain more control it is critical to have the older puppy recognize that you are the most important person in his or her life. We will do exercises to help you get and maintain your dog’s attention. Once you have the dog’s attention you will be able to gain greater control.

With our “ZEN” exercises it is especially helpful to have all the built in distractions of other dogs and people who are attending this great basic obedience class. Distractions in class will make training at home much easier. This class is really great fun and the puppies actually look forward to coming and (from what we’re told by clients) get excited every Saturday morning. They can hardly contain themselves on the way to class.

If you have no prior training, but have an older puppy and you would like to enroll in this class, a one-time private training session may do the trick of getting your puppy ready for the group class. The 90-min and 60-min sessions are popular choices for many people who, for whatever reason, are getting a late start on their new puppy training.

Contact us now – don’t wait one minute more. As puppies age, they become more difficult to control and train.